Our Solution:
NUCLeUS™ is the scalable, future-proof and modality-neutral software platform that streamlines the management and distribution of video content, up to 4K resolution, plus still images and patient data – across an entire network.NUCLeUS connects devices, applications, people and data transparently in real time, for better engaged decisions by every hospital stakeholder.

Vendor Neutral IP Platform and High Image Quality
- Video, audio and associated patient information is distributed over secure IP connections
- Compatible with the vast majority of video standards and formats over a wide range of modalities such as endoscopes, ultrasound scanners, light cameras, PACS and more.
- The NUCLeUS transmitter creates 4K or HD uncompressed and visually lossless video with low latency through copper or fiber network interfaces.
- This empowers hospital stakeholders to make decisions that fit their budget and potentially save money by reducing IT hardware and cabling costs.

Give medical staff a single platform to manage and share videos, still images and other data. Help them to efficiently operate, consult, collaborate and teach. Improve OR workflows, observe ICU patients, and enable remote consultations and training through one integrated system.

Improve The Workflow of your Operating Room
NUCLeUS streamlines the collection, management, and distribution of media across a hospital’s network and beyond. Integration with HIS and EMR systems makes it easy to obtain patient information for the preparation of the intervention and to add video or still images to patient records during or after the intervention.

Take advantage of a fast workflow and intuitive interface

Send any image to anywhere you want. Our user interface lets you quickly switch between monitors, split the screen into four or see picture-in-picture. Record multiple video sources at once, even if they use different formats and resolutions. And easily set-up or find the surgeon’s preferred monitor settings.
Improve OR Images in Real Time Through NUCLeUS Smart Applications
Using the powerful and flexible advanced NUCLeUS Smart Applications you can adjust images in real time. The Resolution Enhancer enable surgeon to experience enhance resolutions of surgical images in real times. When the need for a closer look arises, view with real-time magnification without loss of definitions and details.

Enhance real-time consultation with Telestration
When video is distributed and shared between ORs and/or with authorized remote users, surgeons and medical staff can add annotations on the surgical video feed, in a shared workspace, either as freehand drawings, written text, or pre-defined shapes using the Telestration feature. Telestration facilitates complex evidence-based confirmation when needed.

Re-set your horizon with Rotation Correction
Compensates for shifts in orientation of video from a hand-held surgical endoscopic camera due to movements of the surgeon’s hand positions. The rotation correction enhances endoscopic video signals up to 4k resolution in real time with no perceptible delay during a procedure. Video remains stable and correctly oriented, irrespective of rotational movements.
Enhances Training and Educations
Record all audio and video sources in the OR simultaneously. Access video, audio and patient information across the hospital network, easily and securely. Then share footage of surgeries at conferences and lecture halls, whether it’s live or recorded. Recorded content can be edited from any PC in the network, without any additional software needed.